April 24th




Live & Recorded


April 24th | Wednesday | Live & Recorded |

Press Reset: Let’s Talk Time, Tasks, and Initiative

Am I voicing what other mums are feeling when I say...

You're a pro at making lists, but when it comes to actually sticking to them, it's a different story?

Unlocking a roadmap could be a secret weapon to navigate through the chaos, home, and mental load.

Sometimes every corner of the house holds tangled responsibilities, is overwhelming and frankly can be left to someone else.

Hi, I’m Vanessa, if we haven’t met yet, I am a coffee-loving business entrepreneur and a kiwi mum of three children 5yrs and under.

I truly understand the challenges and demands of life in full mode. My personal experience deepens my empathy for parents, especially mums, juggling aspirations with children's needs. This fuels my passion to support overwhelmed mums while empowering kids. Having specialised in planning, organising, time management, prioritising, and goal-setting, all under the umbrella of executive functioning skills for 14 years as a speech pathologist, I now blend my expertise with down-to-earth guidance for you..

Whether you're juggling work, studies, volunteering, sports, caregiving, advocating for special needs, homeschooling, or staying at home with your little ones, you're bringing incredible value to the table. And this is where you'll find the support you need.

April 24th

8pm NZST

Can’t make it live? Book in to the calendar and I’ll send you a webinar recording

This workshop is a small step to make a start. In part one, the Press Reset Workshop, we'll understand the reasons behind the chaos and manage tasks step by step, so the maze begins to unravel, and the pathway becomes clearer.

Each of us is wired uniquely with the ability for time management, task handling, and navigating life's complexities. Yet, amidst our busy lives, we often find ourselves stalling, panicking, burning the midnight oil, or reverting to old habits, resulting in inefficient time usage. At times, we might feel stuck in a gray area, struggling to tap into skills we once possessed. It's like being engulfed in life's chaos, unable to see the broader perspective.

You’re in the right place



April 24th

Starts | April 24th

Vanessa Leaver


What You'll Learn:

-1. Deeper Understanding: Gain insight into how cognitive processes impact goal achievement.

2. Beyond Task Management: Move beyond basic techniques, we all know how to write a list - what do we do with it next?

3.Practical Application: Apply learned principles for effective goal-setting and task prioritisation.

4. Longer term Results: This is not a quick-fix webinar. Build habits that ensure continued success in managing your home.

Why Participate:

- Expert-Led Guidance: Benefit from insights shared by 14 years of experience as a speech pathologist and executive coach

- Pathways: You do not need another planner ! This is not the idea for our Reset - we are looking beyond basic task management techniques and using behind the scenes - executive functioning

Results : Experience results as you implement learned strategies and cultivate habits for sustained home and mental loads

Equip yourself to keep navigating towards this year with tools and confidence in all your roles as a Mama.

Exclusive Offerings:

- Resourceful Toolkit: Access valuable resources and guides for continued support.

- Post-Workshop support packages Receive ongoing guidance through exclusive access to a support network.

- Special Perks: Enjoy discounts on additional resources and related programs.

Who Should Attend:

1. Busy mamas juggling household responsibilities and looking to streamline their routines.

2. Mamas seeking practical strategies to start or continue the process towards homes efficiency.

3. Mamas interested in understanding how executive functioning principles can enhance home management.

4. Mama’s wanting to go beyond basic task management techniques and develop organisational skills.

Secure Your Spot Now!

5 key areas

Key Areas Related to Time, Tasks, and Initiative for Mums:

  1. Time Management & Prioritisation: Balancing the demands of parenting, household chores, and personal time effectively while sorting through the never-ending to-do list to focus on essential tasks first, ensuring crucial duties are fulfilled.

  2. Proactive Planning & Problem-Solving: Anticipating the needs of the family and taking initiative to plan meals, schedules, and activities to maintain household harmony, alongside addressing challenges in parenting and household management with creative solutions.

  3. Personal Development & Self-Care: Carving out time amidst the demands of motherhood to invest in personal growth and well-being, whether through pursuing interests, learning new skills, or prioritizing self-care activities.

  4. Deeper Understanding & Practical Application: Gaining insight into how cognitive processes influence goal achievement and effective time management, and moving beyond basic techniques to explore practical strategies for implementing and following through on tasks.

  5. Long-Term Results & Habit Building: Emphasizing the importance of building sustainable habits for ongoing success in managing household responsibilities, ensuring continued growth and effectiveness in maintaining a balanced and harmonious home life.